Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

Manly Beach... and more!

It was a beatiful Saturday morning (22.01.11), as Vanessa and I went to manly beach with the ferry.

ferry on the right side....unfortunately :-) 

A good view to the opera house...

...and the city

"We only have one future, and it will be made of our dreams, if we have the courage to challenge convention."Honda
Sorry Schliiichwerbig :-)

Ankunft Manly

Oceanwordl Manly

Oceanworld Manly

A tunnel leads right through the aquarium... nice

by the way, in two weeks will start my diving school... :-)


Nationalpark Manly

He/ She likes chips!

Nationalpark by Manly

Nationalpark by Manly

Nationalpark by Manly

Nationalpark by Manly. Yeaa, the way was
very special! :-)
Nationalpark by Manly


Manly Beach

Manly Beach (a popular place to surf)

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